College of Arts and Sciences
Solidify your French language skills through language coursework, then take upper-division courses taught in French. Take an interdisciplinary approach by selecting courses in areas such as women’s and gender studies, Caribbean studies and colonial and postcolonial studies. Combine medieval and early modern outlooks with contemporary perspectives for a broad view of literary and cultural trends across the centuries.
- Listen to and interpret a variety of familiar or specialized topics in French in diverse settings, including interpersonal and academic communications.
- Speak and write in French on a variety of topics, in informal or formal manners.
- Read and interpret a variety of texts in French, ranging from short articles to books.
- Demonstrate effective knowledge of French and Francophone literatures and cultural traditions.
- French Phonetics and Conversation
- Topics in French and Francophone Literature and Film
- Theater of Aime Cesaire
- French Women Writers
- Art in France from Impressionism to Surrealism
Extracurricular Opportunities
Syracuse Strasbourg
While studying abroad in Strasbourg, France, you’ll choose from a wide range of classes, both at the Strasbourg Center and local partner institutions. Studying with international faculty members, many of whom are professionals in politics, diplomacy and law, will give you new perspectives on many issues, from human rights to climate change. And internships at the Council of Europe or in the Strasbourg community are the perfect opportunity to gain hands-on experience in local and international affairs.

La Société Francophone
La Société Francophone, Syracuse’s official French club, offers opportunities outside the classroom for students to learn more about French culture through a series of organized social events and themed meetings. Members participate in cooking classes, game nights, film screenings and more.
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